Thursday, April 30, 2020

Final assignment

1. Create a 5-second (at least) movie clip of the pixie dust effect. (use mp4 format)

2. Write your name or initial using the pixie dust. (It doesn't matter how many colors)

3. The resolution must be at least 1280x720.

4. The deadline is by 6pm Wednesday (May 6)

5. Send me the movie clip with the following as an email attachment or a link to download.
-Pixie dust movie clip
-viewport screen capture
-Hypershader screen capture  (particleCloud shader)
-shaderGlow settings

6. Do not use the linear workflow since Maya's shader glow is not made for the linear workflow. Just do it in the traditional workflow.

7. Make sure to use your name in the filename as well to identify.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Color Grading part1

Download Wed Session

Download Thu Session

 <Color grading>
1. Color correction            VS.   Color grading
Color correction is to correct colors. (objective)
Color grading is to create a "LOOK". (subjective)

2. example "LOOK"
-Teal and orange color scheme ( typical Hollywood blockbuster )
-Bleach bypass look

3. What to consider?
Vivid          Bleached
Contrasty        Flat
Clean        Grainy
Sharp         Soft/ Diffusive
Dramatic      Casual
Warm         Cool
Low key         High key
Modern          Vintage

4. The first step.
-Level : to check out Histogram
The first thing to tweak is the black level.
And then White level (=exposure control)
And then Set the tone by adjusting Mid-level (mid-tone)

5. Looks : the most versatile All-in-One tool set.
Spot Exposure
Grad Exposure

Color Filter

Lens Vignette
Edge Softness
Lens Distortion
Chromatic Aberration

Renoiser (film grain)
Neg Bleach Bypass

Print Bleach Bypass
Curve or S-Curve

to add instant " teal & orange look / bleach bypass ".

Friday, April 3, 2020

Volume Fog (Light Fog)

Download Wed Session

Download Thu Session

<Volume fog / light fog>

1. Render the Volume fog (light fog) seperately to have more controls in post.

2. Use black Surface shader of Matte shader to all the objects.

3. In Arnold, volume fog will show up in the Emission AOV which is problematic.

4. In Redshift, volume fog will show up in the VolumeLighting AOV and not in the Emission.

5. When dealing with windows ( very bright pixels ),
the bright pixels may have a jagged edge problem.
To cover this up, you can use two Glow nodes. One with a small sized glow and the other with larger sized glow.

6. Volume Ray is Great!!!