Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Human skin shading

Emily skin shading

Arnold and Redshift version Maya Scene file.

You can download all other resources including the file textures from the Wiki Human Project Website.

Human Skin Texture Scans

Human skin texture scans


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Final assignment 2019 Fall

The final assignment is similar to the mid-term assignment in that you need to use a latlong image.
But  it's not about compositing cg elements to a photograph. You need to build your own 3d outdoor set and a custom latlong image.

1. Create a 5-sec(at least) animated sequence using REDSHIFT.
2. Resolution: full HD (1920x1080)
3. Format : mp4 (h264 codec)
4. Create a full 3d outdoor set. (no ceiling)

5. You need to use a stock hdr latlong image initially. ( hdrlabs or hdr haven )
6. Use a sunny situation. (The sun is the primary light source and the sun must hit your main subject) 
7. Render two passes and composite: Background pass and Character pass
8. Try to use various kinds of materials.
9. Make sure your character or hero objects (including the diffuse ball and the chrome ball)  dip below the ground so that you can use the matte feature (or matteShadow shader) to mask out unwanted portion (of the feet, for example).
10. Move your camera SLOWLYyou can pan or zoom )
11. Try to use your custom latlong image to light your hero objects. No background set geometries are needed for this.
12. Your final movie clip should include the followings.
  • initial latlong image
  • custom latlong image
  • screen capture of the entire scene in Maya
  • screen capture of the render setup
  • screen capture of the render settings (sample number, GI, render time etc)
  • anything that's featured or worth showing
13. Send me the final clip (or a download link) by Dec 15 9pm (Sunday).

14. Don't miss the deadline otherwise you'll get an incomplete grade.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Arnold to Redshit conversion Mel script (updated Dec-03-2019, it's version 1.1.1)

source HIP_arnold2redshift_SVA.mel and excute HIP_arnold2redshift_UI in the command line then a UI window will appear

Bug fixes


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Arnold to Redshit conversion Mel script (updated Nov-11-2019, it's version 1.1)

source HIP_arnold2redshift_SVA.mel and excute HIP_arnold2redshift_UI in the command line then a UI window will appear

RSbumpMap node is used instead of RSnormalMap node.
So no UDIM filename issues any more.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mid-term Assignment

1. Create a 5-sec(at least) animated sequence.
2. Resolution: 1920x1080
3. Format : mp4 (h264 codec)
4. Composite your CG elements to a photographic background. (Use hdrlabs.com)
5. Use a sunny situation. ( The sun is the primary light source and the sun MUST hit the main subject ) 

6. include at least 5 different materials ( metal, dielectric, diffusive, transparent, coat )
7. Use the aiSkyDomeLight. Use a static camera. The sky must be shown in the frame.
8. Your 3d element must be touching the ground. ( It can float or fly but must touch the ground at least for a while.)
9. Include a reflection ball and a diffuse ball (50% gray) in the frame.
10. In your final presentation movie clip, include the source images (screen captures, shading network, render passes, environment texture and etc ) or anything that's featured or worth showing.
11. Copy the followings to the class space. ( before the presentation begins.)
  • Presentation movie clip
  • All the composite sources for at least one HERO frame (render passes and the background.)
12. Each student will be given about 6-8 minutes for the presentation.
13. The presentation will be on  Nov 6-7
14. Keep track of the rendering time.