Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Redshift render quality control

What's new.
-When converting Arnold arealight to Redshift, the scale mismatch is fixed.
-Redshift render quality control: quick and easy way to set the quality settings.

-Overwrite the old version. 
source HIP_arnold2redshift_SVA.mel and excute HIP_arnold2redshift_UI in Command line then the UI window will appear.


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Visible artificial light

Check out this Maya scene file which includes a lamp with a lamp shade.
It works for Arnold and Redshift.

-To render in Arnold : Unhide arnold_group and hide Redshift_group.
-To render in Redshift: Unhide Redshift_group and hide arnold_group.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Mid-term assignment Spring 2020

1. Create at least 5 sec (or longer) animation in mp4 format. ( H264 codec )
Create a day shot and a night shot and combine them.

2. Resolution:  1280x720.

3. Create an interior space with a window(s) to let in the natural light ( the sun + environment ). You need to use LightPortal to cover up the window.

4. Create artificial visible light source(s) for the night shot.

5. Animate your camera slowly ( ex: panning )

6. Animate your character(s) or any object(s) in the interior.

7. Animate the sun light slowly ( ex: rotate the sun so that it slowly sweeps across the interior.)

8.Use "Light group" and "Per-light AOV" for the night shot. (Still images)

9. Include source images and screen captures of your work procedures so that the viewers can see how the work process went. ( If you don't include sufficient resources you will NOT get a good grade )

Maya viewport capture of the scene
environment texture.
per-light AOVs for at least one frame
Render settings
Render time

10. Make sure you copy all the presentation materials in the class space before the class begins.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

ZDefocus connection (Maya scene + Nuke file)

Check out the Maya scene file for ZDefocus-intended RenderSetup and
the Nuke file.
The workflow covers Arnold and Redshift both.
